Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find what you are looking for below, please contact us via email and we would be happy to address any questions that you may have about FYI.


What can I do in FYI during the 30-day trial?

The entire feature set of the FYI Pro plan is available to explore in the trial. You can start by creating sample letters, importing emails, delegating and tracking tasks and most importantly, activating automations. This is where your step-change in practice efficiency and client service really kicks in.

Do I have to wait until the end of the trial to sign up to a plan?

No need to wait. You can choose to sign up to a plan at any point during the trial.

What happens when the trial period ends?

At the end of the trial, if you choose to subscribe as a client then it is business as usual. All the documents, settings and integrations that have been added during the trial are seamlessly available when you go live. If you decide not to continue beyond the trial, you can easily download your documents and your entire account and data will be permanently deleted.

How do I know which plan is right for my practice?

Our Starter plan is where most practices begin their FYI journey and will provide instant results with a more efficient way to manage emails. Once your team has mastered email management practice-wide, you will be ready to upgrade to the Intermediate plan to access FYI’s unique blend of document management and CRM.   Advance to FYI’s PRO plan to access all features, putting your practice at the fore-front of process automation. You can upgrade your account any time you like. We expect over time almost all practices will end up on our top plan due to the level of automation it offers.

Do I have to commit to a long-term contract?

Nope! There are no long-term contracts required with FYI. Your account is a month-to-month commitment designed to help support your growth.

Do we need a consultant to come and train us?

No. We have designed FYI from inception to be self-deployed. The feature set has been shaped around three manageable implementation steps, and we provide comprehensive online support materials to help you on your journey. Alternatively, if you would prefer to work with a consultant, then we have a range of independent experts to choose from.

What level of support does FYI provide?

We provide email support and access to a comprehensive knowledge base.

Who owns my data? And if I want to leave what will happen?

Your practice always owns your data. If you want to leave at any time, anyone with the role of administrator can download all documents in a logical folder hierarchy of client and then metadata.


What happens with my personal emails?
FYI allows the practice to define certain email addresses or domains of emails that you won’t want to be filed automatically. For example, if an education provider sends a number of emails to staff within the practice, there is a quick and easy way to avoid these being filed in the system unnecessarily.

Does FYI work with Office Desktop and Office 365?

Sure does! FYI currently integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office 365 Desktop. It has been architected with the online version of Office 365 and this feature will be made available in an upcoming release.


Do FYI Tasks integrate with Outlook Tasks?
No. We believe in moving away from personal tasks to a team based task environment to improve collaboration and transparency.

Can I assign tasks to myself as well as other team members?
Absolutely. Our task service has been designed to delegate to other team members but you can also provide reminders for yourself.


Can I create my own templates including merge fields?
Yes. We provide out of the box templates, but more importantly, you can build your own templates including merge fields to increase your practice’s productivity and quality of output.

For emails from mobiles, does it matter what sort of phone?
No. Our crawler service works back through your Outlook mailbox and looks for any client related emails that aren’t “managed emails”.


Can I re-use our existing templates?
Yes, you can easily import your existing templates from across Office modules including Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Does it work with Office Desktop and Office 365?
Sure does! FYI currently integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office 365 Desktop. It has been architected with the online version of Office 365 and this feature will be made available in an upcoming release.


Can I search on keywords?
Absolutely. You can include keywords in your search, and even capture keywords as meta data on documents on demand.

Do searches respect the security of documents?
Yes. Where a security has been applied to a document, for example as part of a cabinet with restricted access, any team member who doesn’t have access won’t retrieve it using a search.


Can I view all activities for a specific client?
Yes. Unlike a folder based system, our filing structure is database driven with a client centric approach. This means your team can turn the whole system on its head and see everything from a client approach.

Are the client groups the same as the ones in XPM?
Yes. As part of our seamless integration into the Xero Practice suite, we leverage the family groups to give a powerful view across the complete set of entities.


When will process automation be available?

Process automation is live and will continue to be enhanced with additional processes and integration partners in the future.


Will other apps be integrated in the future?
Yes. We are absolutely committed to increasing our app partners continually into the future.

Can I suggest other app partners?
Yes, please! We are always open to any suggestions for new app partners and even introductions where relevant.


Does every document need to be approved before sending?
No. You can choose which documents are routed through the approval process depending on the risk and type of document involved.

What about client approvals?
We currently focus on internal approvals, not on external client approvals. Our intention is to integrate with market leading applications for client approvals in the future.


Do we need a consultant to come and train us?
No. We have designed FYI from inception to be self-deployed. The feature set has been shaped around three manageable implementation steps, and we provide comprehensive online support materials to help you on your journey. We promise you will be surprised how easy it is to get underway with FYI.

What level of support do you provide?
We provide email support and access to a comprehensive knowledge base.